Monday, November 19, 2012

Taking Life As It Comes

I have always worried about everything too much. Being the worry wart that I am, I would just stress myself out even more than I already was by worrying about things. I’ve always been a “what if” kind of person. Thinking about things far into the future was common, but things often didn’t turn out the way I thought they would. I needed something to stop me from worrying.

Lately, I’ve definitely been worrying about things less. I’m finally feeling settled in at college and feeling okay about my studies. I know my place on the baseball team and I’m working hard to show everyone why the coach put me there. But I still have my moments where I am completely stressed and don’t know how to stop worrying about everything going on. Today was one of those days.

I don’t know why professors feel the need to swamp us with homework right before we leave for Thanksgiving break, or any break, but they do. I figured that since I had no classes today I would work on my homework and be relaxed and done by now. That is not the case. This is my break time. I have a research paper due tomorrow and an online blog to write about a reading for the same class, I have a test tomorrow in what is supposed to be my easiest class but it isn’t seeming that way anymore, I have a history essay that I need to start because I need to bring my grade up in that class, and to top it all off I have a lecture transcription to do for OT because I’m stupid and did bad on the first test. I couldn’t help worrying about how if my GPA isn’t high enough I’ll lose my scholarship. Stress level=too high.

Then I talked to someone that turned my whole mind set around, my dad. Somehow he always knows when I’m upset. Somehow he always knows the right thing to say. He calmed me down just by talking to him through email for a half an hour. He told me not to worry, to take a break and listen to music, and that we would worry about my scholarship later if we had to. It was honestly all I needed to hear.

After that I looked at my dry erase board on my wall for some reason. A friend had led me to the Bible when I was stressed not too long ago and I had printed out Luke 12:25-26 and put it there to remind me not to worry. Luke 12:25-26 says this “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?” This just seems to resonate with me and makes me realize that worrying doesn’t help anything, it makes it worse.

With that being said, it’s normal to worry about things sometimes. When you do worry about things, take a break from whatever it is you’re doing. Remember that worrying isn’t getting anything done faster, it’s probably making it take longer. Go listen to music for 20 minutes and just relax. Talk to someone that will make you happy. Do anything to get your mind off of it for a little while.

You always need to remember that worrying makes things worse. It’s better to just deal with things as they come to you. It may be cliché, but you need to “Cross that bridge when you come to it”. If you’re always worrying about the future, you aren’t fully living in the present. And the present is awesome, so you’re missing out.

-Eric Proulx

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